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One Step at a time. One Day at time.

Before the baby chicks, Before, the farm, when my first daughter was just a baby, I struck interest in the farm life because I wanted to teach my kids where groceries really come from. I wanted them to know that food didn’t start at the grocery store. I initially began gardening with my daddy. My daddy and I worked together to teach my kids where food really comes from. We then both got into chickens. I however caught the bug. The farming bug. It is a life that I love to live. Despite all the curve balls life has thrown at me, I always come back to it. It has become my place of peace. My solace. 
I am a married woman to a sweet man of 17-18 My kids are my world. I have 3 beautiful girls and 1 very handsome little boy. They keep me going. I am the luckiest woman in the world when it comes to kids. I hit the lottery. My babies are the absolute best.
I have PTSD. This farm , my animals, my children, my family, are all a big part in my recovery. Here on my farm, I find my peace. It is most assuredly my happy place. I began writing as an outlet to deal with my PTSD. I am horrible at releasing my emotions. This has become my way of expressing myself. I am finding that writing is becoming another passion I am falling in love with. In this journey God has placed me on, I have found my strength, my worth, my peace, that I am determined, and I am not a quitter. I want to also let other people who are struggling know that they aren’t alone. I want to share my experiences and feelings so that others can relate. I don’t know what this life has awaiting me. I do know that life is scary and will bring you straight down to your knees. Honestly, I can’t think about that. I take it One step at a time. One day at a time. One single minute by minute at a time. I am grateful for those moments gifted to me. This is my journey. This is me.

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